(303) 652-0130 enrollment@bvwaldorf.org
All About the Vestibular Sense, AKA “The Balance Sense”

All About the Vestibular Sense, AKA “The Balance Sense”

What is the vestibular sense? Not only do our ears sense sound waves that allow us to hear, but they also contain the vestibular system that contributes heavily to our sense of balance. The vestibular system is contained within the inner ear and consists of canals and...
Homework, What Is It Good For?

Homework, What Is It Good For?

Homework! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing? Well, some might say so. According to The Atlantic writer, Joe Pinsker, in his recent article “The Cult of Homework”, this is a heavily debated topic. Pinsker discusses research on both sides of the issue and brings...
What is Storycamp??

What is Storycamp??

What is Storycamp?? by Katrina Pratt, Storycamp Co-founder & Director What is Storycamp? The name doesn’t offer many clues. Answering used to be awkward and confusing. I stumbled through it, until one day, I realized there were two themes we incorporated into...
Technology Can Wait

Technology Can Wait

A developer that won’t teach his kids to code, an employee of Google whose 5th grader doesn’t know how to “google” something… What is going on here? Although technology is the bread and butter of these high-tech parents, they have realized that exposing children to...