(303) 652-0130 enrollment@bvwaldorf.org

Daily Procedures

Check in with the front office if you have any questions about the general daily procedures. Here are the important details of school hours, drop off and pick up procedures.


School Hours 2024-25

Morning Drop off: We welcome families on to campus for drop-off daily! Park safely in the parking lot and walk your child to their classroom  Grades: 8:00-8:15am.       Early Childhood: 8:15-8:30am

Afternoon Pick-up: Grades  3:15-3:30pm (First Grade may be picked up at 2:15pm)  Early Childhood  Morning Program pick up 12:30-12:40pm; Full Day –  3:00-3:15pm Children in the EC Program need to be signed in each morning and signed out upon pick-up.

Login to Ravenna/BigSIS, student database, to update emergency contacts, and permissions for who is allowed to pick up your child. 


Absent, Tardy or Early Pick Up

If your child is going to be absent, late or collected early for any reason please contact the front office by 8am  (303) 652-0130 office@bvwaldorf.org
For Early Pick-Up, upon arrival to pick up the child, please come to the office to sign out your child, and obtain an “early pick-up” slip to take to the Grades class teacher. For Children in the EC Program, visit the classroom as students need to be signed out upon pick-up.

Extended Care

For 2024-25 School Year we have extended care for both the grades until 5pm and in preschool/kindergarten until 6pm daily. Learn more about extended care and school-day off camps

School Lunches

Grades (12:40) and full-day Early Childhood (between 12:15-12:45pm) children need to pack a lunch. Parents are requested to send a healthy, wholesome lunch along with a cloth napkin. Please no candy, gum, soda, or overly sweet desserts.

Parent Handbook

More detailed information about day-to-day operations and daily procedures can be found in the Parent Handbook. Please review your welcome email from the enrollment office, or check in with the front office to request an electronic or hard copy!

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Update contact details including who is authorized to pick up your child(ren).

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