Community and Diversity
Boulder Valley Waldorf School welcomes students, families, faculty, and staff of all races, ethnicities, cultural and religious heritages, socio-economic backgrounds, geographic origins, gender identities, sexual orientations, and family structures. We reject discrimination in all its forms. BVWS adopts the position statement of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA).
As part of BVWS’s commitment to an ongoing process of learning, listening, and deepening our understanding of equity and inclusion, our College of Teachers, and Board of Trustees are engaged in ongoing professional development and study. Boulder Valley Waldorf School is committed to deepening our understanding of equity and inclusion. With reverence, we strive to create, embrace and support a diverse, equitable and inclusive community where everyone feels respected, connected and valued.
Boulder Valley Waldorf School promotes respect for all people and is committed to creating a culture that fosters learning and growth around differences, and appreciation for the strength and wisdom that comes from diversity. Consistent with our values, we seek to foster an educational environment that is safe, welcoming, and free from stigma and discrimination of all students, regardless of their gender identity and/or gender expression. Our focus is to create an environment that values each person.
Boulder Valley Waldorf School